Jo Lincolne, Celebrant

People often ask me how and why I became a celebrant. It’s tricky for me to answer as I don’t have a ‘typical celebrant story’. That is, I didn’t become a celebrant after being inspired by another awesome celebrant or so I could marry a close friend. I had a yearning when I was very young, knowing how powerful ceremony and ritual could be. It may sound cliche, but it truly did feel like a calling.

After completing my celebrant studies, I discovered that my beloved Grandfather, ‘Big Joe’, wanted to be a celebrant when he was younger. This for me, stoked the fire, connected me to my history and confirmed that I was on the right track.

While working with my first-ever couple, I was reminded of the power of a ceremony that’s true & personal to those being celebrated. And thanks to Big Love, I’ve been helping incredible people design their ideal ceremony ever since.

My work has evolved over the years; with my main focus being:

*death & dying
*end-of-life rituals & celebrations
*grief support & education

The foundational belief of Big Love is that your ceremony can be anything you want it to be. Not only by design but the feelings it evokes & our connection to it.


Client Testimonial

“I am deeply touched by how you have expressed with such clarity and dignity Dad's beingness. 

You are a master with words and highly skilled at creating through deep listening. It’s with the fullest heart I thank you for your contribution to this moment of my father's life. 

Big love darling woman, you are obviously firmly living your purpose and sharing your gifts with the world. 

And thank you for the calls to help navigate the conflict and return me to my heart space. 

My brothers and I were so happy with the service, his burial and the space we created for the rest of the day and night as we loved him up and celebrated his life and the man he is.

My gratitude to you is so vast. Thank you for your time, energy, insight and support.”

- Natasha F