Life in the time of Corona. Why am I feeling so shit?

So, we're all going through a plethora of emotions at the moment... trust me-I'm feeling it all too.

I've been down- REALLY down. And I've been up and somewhere in the middle too.
I seem to have found a place of comfort in the discomfort. 
Will it last? I have no idea-but I'm just going with whatever comes up. 

Acknowledging it, blessing it and seeing it on its way when it leaves me. 

I've spent time with couples grieving their wedding days, and I'm spending time with families grieving their loved ones - whilst grieving that they can't grieve the way they had hoped to. 
Those grieving the death of a loved one are not surrounded and embraced physically by all the people who love them at the moment. They are isolated in ways they never thought possible. 

We are all in grief at the moment. 
Grief is complicated. And messy.

Here are some wise words featured recently theHarvard Business Review....

"Keep trying. There is something powerful about naming this as grief. It helps us feel what’s inside of us. So many have told me in the past week, “I’m telling my coworkers I’m having a hard time,” or “I cried last night.” When you name it, you feel it and it moves through you. Emotions need motion. It’s important we acknowledge what we go through. One unfortunate byproduct of the self-help movement is we’re the first generation to have feelings about our feelings. We tell ourselves things like, I feel sad, but I shouldn’t feel that; other people have it worse. We can — we should — stop at the first feeling. I feel sad. Let me go for five minutes to feel sad. Your work is to feel your sadness and fear and anger whether or not someone else is feeling something. Fighting it doesn’t help because your body is producing the feeling. If we allow the feelings to happen, they’ll happen in an orderly way, and it empowers us. Then we’re not victims.

In an orderly way?

Yes. Sometimes we try not to feel what we’re feeling because we have this image of a “gang of feelings.” If I feel sad and let that in, it’ll never go away. The gang of bad feelings will overrun me. The truth is a feeling that moves through us. We feel it and it goes and then we go to the next feeling. There’s no gang out to get us. It’s absurd to think we shouldn’t feel grief right now. Let yourself feel the grief and keep going."…/…/that-discomfort-youre-feeling-is-grief

jo lincolne