Can I plan my own funeral?

YES, you can plan your own funeral in Brisbane.

“But how do I plan my own funeral?” I hear you ask.

It may seem daunting to plan your own funeral, but it’s easier for you to do it while you’re alive than when you're dead. And I don’t mean that in a silly way. Planning a funeral for someone you love when you’re grieving can be so incredibly difficult - especially if you’ve been given no instructions beforehand. The sheer amount of decisions that need to be made, while your brain is fuzzy with grief can be overwhelming.

For these, and many other reasons I highly recommend putting plans in place while you’re still alive and kicking.

I conducted another funeral service recently for a woman who I've been talking to for almost one year in preparation for her death. She had a very long health journey and wanted everything to be taken care of. She wanted her family to be less burdened because she knew they would be completely grief stricken when she died- and she was right.
She met with the local funeral director and picked her own coffin, and gave instructions for her cremation, told them what to dress her in and chose the chapel for the service.
In our conversations, we discussed who she would like to speak, what her music choices were and how it was to feel. She also wrote her own eulogy with my help and asked me to deliver it during the funeral service.
It was a true honour to be part of that process with her and discuss all of the things that she wanted to talk about at the end of her life.
She was very very firm with me telling me that the service was not to be morbid and would say things like, “Yes Jo, this is awful and terrible but it doesn't mean the service has to be morose!”
So, through all of the heartbreak and devastation and grief and tears, we endeavoured to keep the funeral service as joyous as we possibly could to honour her wish.
The relief for her family to not be burdened with a million things to organise was palpable and they were just able to grieve because everything was looked after.
If you want to know how to start planning for your funeral service, what paperwork to start preparing for the end of your life or a general idea of things that need to get done please call, text me or email me to have a chat to get things started.
Putting even just a few plans in place for the end of your life makes such a difference to those who are having to deal with so much when you die.