Does grief get better?

A bereaved daughter asked me recently “Jo, I feel like I have a big gaping hole inside me. Will it always feel like this?”

What a great question. It can be scary when you have your first experience with grief. The enormity of our feelings can be shocking.

No matter how prepared you are for the death of someone you love, you will most likely still feel a little shocked when they die.

In the first few days after a death, grief can feel scary and overwhelming.

I am often asked if it ever gets ‘better’

Many folks are worried this is how life will always be.

I can assure you, you won’t always feel like THIS.

Your grief changes and morphs as you do.

Your capacity to live with this pain increases, you can get through, and you will get through.

You may not know how-but you will.

Life will not always feel this hard.

Your body will eventually settle.

You will feel like you can breathe again.

The sweetness of life will return.

You will grow around your grief.

You will grow with your grief.

It is your new companion.